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Sharks and Rays contains images of sharks, skates, rays, and chimaera’s from around the world

Sharks and Rays evolved from Elasmodiver, which began as a simple web-based shark field guide to help divers find the best places to encounter the different species of sharks and rays that live in shallow water. It evolved into a much larger project containing information on all aspects of shark diving and shark photography.

There are now more than 10,000 shark pictures and sections on shark evolution, biology, and conservation. There is a large library of reviewed shark books, a constantly updated shark taxonomy page, a monster list of shark links, and numerous articles and stories about shark  encounters.

About Sharks and Rays
Lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris, Northern Bahamas, Atlantic Ocean.
Shark and Rays is the brainchild of Shark Photographer Andy Murch. Frustrated with the limited information available on where it was possible to go scuba diving with sharks and rays around the world, he created an online resource to share the knowledge that he had collected. He remains the creative force behind the project.

Andy Murch is an accomplished marine conservationist and underwater photographer who’s photos have been published in hundreds of books and magazines including Diver, National Geographic, the New York Times and the Journal of Zoology.  He co-authored Diving With Sharks and contributed as the primary photographer in numerous other shark books.

Andy created the first version of his shark and ray field guide, Elasmodiver, in 2002 to showcase the species of elasmobranchs that scuba divers and snorkelers could expect to encounter. Elasmodiver expanded to include more specialized shark and ray content in areas such as: biology and behavior, shark photography, shark diving, conservation of sharks and rays, shark evolution, and shark and ray taxonomy.

As well as an elasmobranch information portal, Sharks and Rays contains a huge selection of shark and ray pictures available for commercial licensing. Andy’s shark photos have appeared in hundreds of books and magazines, public aquarium displays, games, scientific journals, and more.

About Andy Murch

Shark news

Diving with Sharks Book Nigel Marsh and Andy Murch

In 2017, Andy co-authored Diving with Sharks: a ‘how-to’ guide designed specifically for shark divers.

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